RespiraWorks Reaped the Radiating Reward!

2 min readJul 15, 2020

Does the title “CoVent-19” ring a bell, by any chance? Not COVID-19, but CoVent-19. CoVent-19 is a challenging event that merged together intelligent minds to examine multiple strategies for tackling a traumatic obstacle that is currently being faced by the entire world. It has been acknowledged that there are many hospitals around the world that do not have enough ventilators to successfully save all of the lives that are being stolen by the current COVID-19 pandemic, and something needs to be done. There have been so many motivated minds that see the horror in this and want solutions, that new teams of supporters have voluntarily formed to bring as much of their hearts and brains as possible into solving this puzzle. CoVent-19 brought together all of these teams to compare notes and see what strategies would have the most potential. As soon as RespiraWorks heard about this challenge, we jumped in as soon as possible.

This competition is bigger than it may sound. Does a large amount of average citizens know how many different models of ventilators have already existed in history? Does a large amount of citizens know how many ventilators are currently designed in the United States or the rest of the world? It isn’t a typical conversation piece, so there isn’t much guessing or investigating going on in order to answer those questions. The answer is definitely many more than one would imagine. In this competition alone, there were 213 entries of new ventilator models created by generous teams from 43 countries! If that isn’t a beautiful concept of care and dedication, then who knows what is.

Everyone here at RespiraWorks became so ecstatic when we found out that, out of all of these amazing ventilator inventions, we had become one of the seven finalists! If we hadn’t continued boggling our minds with more improvement interventions for our model, we would have had enough brainpower left over to be wallowing in the amazing anticipation that came along with the honor that this achievement had brought us. Time kept flying by, and before we knew it, the day had come for the top three ventilators to be chosen from the group of finalists. Guess what! The RespiraWorks ventilator model won 3rd place! The time for true celebration has come, so let’s be rebels and take a day off!

Attending the event with the gracious hosts has not only allowed RespiraWorks to see the wonderful presentations of generous contestants, but it also heightened our motivation to continue progressing. We are honored to have earned the reward of being in the top three and give gratitude to everyone who has gifted us their contributions. There are more advancements that the RespiraWorks team desires to make, and the time for mass distribution to international hospitals is coming soon. In order to get this accomplished, though, we need that community support to continue and grow! Learning is key to solving, and our website can teach. We would love to show you more, so please visit anytime!




COVID-19 has given the world a severe need for more medical ventilators, and RespiraWorks is working to meet that need.